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DIY Pocket Pet Toys

November 15, 2023

Do you have a pocket pet, such as a gerbil, mouse, or hamster? These little guys can make pretty charming additions to any household. They’re very popular as kids’ pets, and also sometimes as companions for those who live in very small spaces. Taking care of these tiny furballs is pretty easy. However, it’s important to make sure they have plenty of toys. This doesn’t have to cost much: you can make many of your pet’s things out of ordinary household items. A local Wheat Ridge, CO vet lists some great homemade pocket pet toys in this article. 


Paper is safe, cheap, and versatile, which puts it at the top of our list. There’s almost no end to the options here. You can shred plain copy paper, then put the strips in a box or paper grocery bag. Or, put a little treat into a piece of paper and crumple the sheet up into a ball around it. Kids may also enjoy making paper chains or snowflakes. 


There’s also a lot you can do with cardboard. The tubes from toilet paper and paper towel rolls can be used in a variety of ways. You can make a pyramid out of them, poke holes in them and put safe sticks in the hold, cut them into rings and reshape them into balls, or stuff them with grass hay or safe herbs. (Note: be careful not to give your pint-sized pal any pieces with glue on them.) 


Wood is also a good option. Many smaller pets have open-rooted teeth, so they need to chew continuously to keep their choppers from overgrowing. You can offer your miniature furball things like wooden spools, spoons, children’s blocks. 


Mazes and tunnels are very popular with smaller animals. You can certainly buy these, but you may find it easier just to make your own. The boxes many canned beverages come in can be great for this! You can also make your tiny pal a little castle. Be sure to remove unsafe parts, such as staples, tape, and labels first. (Your adorable buddy may eat their palace, but that’s ok.)


Always put safety first! Hardwoods, such as pine and cedar, can actually cause respiratory problems in little animals: avoid these. Also, make sure any wooden toys have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Anything covered in varnish, paint, or glitter is also unsafe. 

Do you have questions about pocket pet care? Contact us, your Wheat Ridge, CO pet hospital, today!