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Microchipping Your Pet

June 1, 2022

One of the most important things that you can do for your pet’s health and well-being is to get them microchipped. This process is very quick and simple, but it could very well save your furry friend’s life one day! A Wheat Ridge, CO vet goes over some basics of microchipping in this article.


Microchips are only about the size of a grain of rice. That’s pretty amazing when you think of how huge a difference they can make in pets’ lives! The chips are injected beneath the pet’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades, via a hypodermic needle. Once in place, that chip serves as an unbreakable, invisible bond between you and your beloved pet.


Microchips don’t transmit information directly. They also don’t contain your pet’s medical records or your contact info. Each chip only has one piece of data: a unique ID number, which can be read by special scanners. That ID number correlates to your account information in the chipmaker’s database. 


Getting the chip is great, but there’s one more step. You’ll still need to fill out your records in the chipmaker’s database. Remember to update your data when you move or change your contact info. The chip will be useless if that information isn’t correct! (Tip: try using the Universal Pet Microchip Lookup here to find your records.)


Microchipping is often done alongside spay/neuter surgery, simply as a matter of convenience. However, you can schedule it on its own, or fold it into your pet’s next regular appointment. The procedure itself is fast and painless, and is quite similar to getting a shot. Complications are extremely rare. Your furry friend won’t need any aftercare or medication. A few ear scritches and a yummy treat should do it!


Microchips don’t need upgrades or maintenance. However, you should have your vet check the chip during your pet’s regular appointments, just to make sure that it hasn’t moved or malfunctioned.

Going Forward

With technology moving forward in leaps and bounds, many people are wondering what the next generation of microchips will look like. They may not be drastically different, as there’s no way to really power a microchip once it’s on your pet. That said, we do love seeing GPS-enabled tags becoming more and more popular.

Do you need to schedule microchipping? Contact us, your Wheat Ridge, CO animal hospital!