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Cat Care For Beginners

August 1, 2023

Are you a first-time cat owner? Whether you’ve taken in a kitty from a friend or family member, found a cute furball that needed a home, or just decided to take the plunge into pet ownership, you’re setting out on a long journey of love and purrs with your feline pal. Caring for Fluffy isn’t hard, but things will go much more smoothly if you understand her needs. A Wheat Ridge, CO vet offers some pointers on this below.


We all know what the basic kitty essentials are: food, fresh water, and a clean litterbox. Fluffy also needs proper veterinary care. Spay/neuter surgery, vaccines, parasite control, and examinations are all crucial to her health. Ask your vet to recommend an appointment schedule.


Cats need stimulation and enrichment to thrive. Actually, this is more important than many people realize. Fluffy may spend a rather ridiculous amount of time sleeping, but she can’t sleep all day. Your furball will get quite bored with nothing to do but stare at the walls and go back and forth from her food bowl. Provide lots of toys, and play with her regularly. Fluffy should also have a comfy window seat, as well as things to climb and explore.


Our feline friends are known for being frisky and mischievous. Fluffy will eventually do something she shouldn’t, whether it’s scratching or jumping on a counter. Don’t reprimand your pet for these mishaps. Cats don’t really understand punishment, so if you yell at your kitty, she may just get scared of you. You can—and should—verbally chide her in a stern tone, but anything beyond that will likely only make things worse. Focus on rewarding good behavior.


Kitties can form very close bonds with their humans, but they have a few golden rules here. The biggest thing is to never force attention on  your cat … no matter how adorable she looks. Let her come to you, and always let her go when she wants to get down. You can win Fluffy’s trust by talking to her, reacting to her, and, of course, providing toys, treats, and catnip. Don’t be surprised if your furry buddy soon melts your heart and has her wrapped around your paw. That’s just purr for the course!

Please contact us, your Wheat Ridge, CO veterinary clinic, for your cat’s care needs. We’re here for you!