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What To Do If Your Dog Gets Lost

July 1, 2023

Having a beloved pet go missing can be absolutely heartbreaking. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon. About a third of our animal companions get lost at some point during their lives. We hope that our patients stay safe and sound at home, but we do want to provide some tips on what to do in that worst-case scenario. A Lakewood, CO vet offers some advice on what to do in this article.

Start The Search Immediately

Start looking the minute you notice your canine companion is missing. Start by canvassing your neighborhood. Check areas like wooded lots and abandoned homes, in case Fido is hurt and lying out of sight. Ask friendly neighbors if they’ve seen your pet, and let them know he’s missing. 

Spread The Word

Immediately make a flier to post online. If you don’t know how to make one yourself, reach out to friends and family members for help. Include pictures of Fido from a few different angles. Also, add some relevant information, such as when and where he was last seen. Post it online ASAP, and ask people to share. You’ll also want to print out copies, and put them on telephone polls and in local shops or stores with bulletin boards.

Start Checking Shelters

It may not take long for Fido to end up in a shelter, though this of course isn’t guaranteed. Start with searching the ones nearest you. Over the next several days, widen the search out to shelters in surrounding areas.

Doublecheck Microchip Info

If your canine buddy is microchipped, and you haven’t checked or updated your records recently, this is also something you’ll want to look into ASAP. You can try using the AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Lookup tool here.

Check Local Groups

Check for local neighborhood groups on social media sites like Nextdoor and Facebook. In addition to making your own posts, you’ll also want to check for found ads.

Offer A Reward

We would strongly advise offering a reward: this increases the odds that someone will come forward and/or return your furry best friend to you.

Don’t Give Up

Although not all pets make it back home, there have been amazing cases of dogs and cats being reunited with their families after months or even years. Keep hope alive! 

As your Lakewood, CO pet hospital, we’re here to help!  Call us anytime!