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Tips For Adopting A Specially Abled Pet

May 1, 2022

Did you know that there is a special pet holiday coming up? Specially-abled Pets Day is May 3rd! Pets with disabilities are often overlooked in shelters. That’s really sad, because they are often super loving and cuddly, and can make absolutely wonderful pets. If you are considering giving one of these lovable pets a forever home, you definitely have our support! Read on as a Wheat Ridge, CO vet offers some advice on adopting a specially-abled pet.

Ask Questions

When it comes to adoptable pets, the amount of information that is available on them will depend on the shelter and circumstances. Talk to the shelter staff, and see what you can learn. You may be able to find out quite a bit about Fido and Fluffy. In any case, it won’t hurt to ask.

Don’t Make Assumptions

Many people pass over those cute specially-abled pets because of misconceptions. For instance, someone may assume that a blind dog will need 24/7 care, or that a deaf kitty will constantly be going to the vet. That isn’t necessarily the case. Many specially-abled pets are not much harder to care for than any other pet. You just may need to do some things a little differently!

Let Love Lead

When adopting a pet, it’s really important to choose the animal that’s the right fit for your life and household. Just keep an open mind. There’s a lot to be said for following your heart!

Don’t Assume The Worst

Cost is also a big concern for many. However, caring for specially abled pets may not be as expensive as you think. After all, these guys have the same basic needs as any other pet: food, water, veterinary care, and, of course, love. You may even be able to get a discount on veterinary care from the shelter, though that would ultimately depend on the organization.

Cherish The Experience

At the end of the day, there’s a lot to be said for giving an unwanted pet a second chance at happiness. Watching a sad, timid dog or cat thrive with love and good care can be a very profound and rewarding experience! Just give your furry pal the time they need to adjust, settle in, and feel safe.

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your Wheat Ridge, CO animal clinic, today!